TAUNTON TOWN Model Railway Club
You are never too young (or too old) to enjoy model railways

Come and join us. We are a friendly group of railway modellers hoping to build the hobby and new friendships with running and building our layout "Yeovil East" set in the year of 1946.
The layout has 9 control points so there is plenty of fun to enjoy, come and try for yourself.
Prospective members and guests will be treated to free tea and coffee if we are having a brew.
So come and join us
ALL MEMBERS are invited by Pat and Graham, the invitation can be withdrawn at any time without reason.
There will be a new membership for anyone wishing to join TTMRC, however this will be restricted due to space in the new club room.
Membership types :-
1 Honorary.
2 Standard.
3 Partnership.
4 Family membership
Full Free
Full Charged
Full Charged
new charge whole family participation.
MEMBERSHIP for the age group over 18
1. Pre membership may be given on request to Graham.
The first 3 meetings are getting to know us and are free with your first invitation. YOU must request full membership at the 3rd. meeting if you wish to join us.
The members at that meeting will be asked to agree or not to your membership being granted and at that point you will become a full member, you will be asked to complete a membership form , address, phone number, email and a bit about you. This record will NOT be seen by any other person save Pat or Graham and will not be made part of any computer file.
2. ANY Guest of Graham or any other member, are very welcome to attend with their full member. If they wish to attend on a regular basis,ie more than 6 meetings a year, full membership should be requested, or an attendance fee should be agreed with Graham.
3. Partners membership is for cohabiting couples only.
Members will be asked to pay subs of or equal to the set rate. Under some conditions it may be agreed to be changed or reassessed.
Should you have a problem then talk to Graham in private.
WE do not wish to exclude a keen member just for a lack of funds.
Guidelines to members
and the small print.
2 DO NOT TOUCH THE TRACK ( unless changing a point )
5 IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND ASK - you are here to learn and enjoy.
6 Membership is open to all, subject to approval.
7 Membership of TTMRC is your responsibility.
As a member you are requested to attend as many meetings as possible.
8 MEMBERSHIP FEES From 2014, update 16.10.2018,
update 1.2.2023
8.1 Membership for age group 18 and over.
8.2 The joining fee has been dropped.
8.3 Annual fee to be paid on the first of the month following approval of membership and on that day each year after without a reminder.
8.3.1 Late payment will be treated as a lapsed membership.
8.3.2 Late payment reasons should be advised to Graham before the due date.
8.4.1 The annual fee for STANDARD will be a single payment of £100.00. cash, S.O. internet payment.
8.4.2. The annual fee for PARTNERS will be a single payment as above.
8.4.3. Fees may be paid monthly, with agreement with Graham, at £9.00 p.c.m. by standing order.
8.5. Membership Fees for the age group 7 to 18. see 8.5.1.
Members UNDER 18 yrs must be accompanied by a parent or guardian
8.5.1. The annual fee for membership for age 7 to 18 will be a single payment of £50.
8.5.2. The annual fee for additional members age 7 to 18 from the same family will be a single payment of £25.
8.6. Students* with a card, Annual fee of £50.00
8.6.1. Students* are defined as persons between the ages of 18 and 25 in full time education only.
8.7. As this club is run by an OAP there will be no lower rates for this age group
9. ANY DISPUTE will be referred to the Honorary members plus 2 others for a ruling. (This will be held in private ).
10. YOUR private stock and possessions are your responsibility and should not be left at the Club
10.1. Any item lost or stolen MUST be reported to Graham.
10.1.1 TTMRC or Graham can NOT be held responsible for any such lost or stolen item.
It should be understood that the layout and all of the stock and control gear is Graham's and Pat's they pay the rent for the club room and they have the last word.
The club will agree all activities we undertake.