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TTMRC HISTORY FILE from 2013 on.

June has been a good time for the club room having made good progress and we hope to restart regular meetings from 17 July 2013 with a day meeting and an evening meeting.

Again after an enforced rest I am back working on the club room however this time

I will try to be more careful with me, it has been said that my age could have

some thing to do with humbug!!

(what do youngsters know ).

I am back at the site and work has restarted 18/04/2013 All completion dates have been set aside for the time being and when we can arrange the opening times we will post it here

Due to my fall at the site, work has been stopped and will restart as soon as i am fit again

2/3 of the new floor is in and the move from the container has happened thanks to my friends,

David, Roger ,Robin.


The work has been started and sleeper walls are built,


I give up,



the club will be able to start meetings as soon as possible hopefully before end of 2013

If you wish to be invited to the

open weekend

Friday, Saturday and Sunday

Please send an email to

heading open weekend and the number in your party.

THERE WILL BE no charge however

donations will be gratefully received

12 October 2012.

The first Loco Doctor S.W. data sheet

has been posted today see "Work Shop Notes".

Yeovil East at its first 2 day exhibition in Bristol. 2011. 

Our Layout "Yeovil East" at its first 2 day exhibition in Bristol.

Taunton Town Model Railway Club's intention is to be a place where those who have an interest in model railways can meet in a social atmosphere, regardless of their degree of knowledge, to exchange ideas, learn from others, and gain extra enjoyment from this marvelous absorbing hobby.

We are pleased to offer to those younger enthusiasts who want to learn about model railways the opportunity to be able to do so -


If you are on holiday or working in the area and wish to meet the Club you are very welcome to come along - please contact Graham to make sure we are meeting.

2 Days at Yeovilton air base

Two days at the Swordfish Centre ( not in the air display ) so only £5 to get in and well worth it.

Many good layouts from the Wessex Area Group and traders, our own " Yeovil East " looking and working better than ever.

Bob has done a wonderful job again this year with the variety and skill well done Bob and THANK YOU from all of us. I have taken some new photos of "Yeovil East"

For you to enjoy.

2 x 4.4.0 one with a big name City of Truro from the N.R.M. a guest loco for the weekend.

Our artist has been at work for us again. Thanks very much Rosemary

The Station and the south yard working.

The long view showing the progress since our outing to Bristol and the Z.T.C. controllers

NEW LOOK FOR 2012 and onto 2013

This is the home page for our new simple address, I have removed all adds from this site and hope you will enjoy it and maybe come and join us on the site or in person. It is Free for all to join this web site and the club until the clubroom is finished. I would be pleased to receive any thoughts you may wish to pass on via the members feedback report.

Taunton Town Model Railway Club is for the enjoyment of this wonderfully hobby and is mainly funded by myself at this time, the layout ( YEOVIL EAST )and stock is mine but for all to enjoy,

To help the club,I will be offering a bespoke training and workshop service for all ages, details of this will be posted soon. If you wish to take part in a workshop please contact Graham

Thank you for having a look round all pages will be updated as I can. Graham.

I have also added a mobile website you can use it with the above new address 

As seen at the Shirehampton exhibition during 2011.

As seen at the Shirehampton exhibition during 2011.

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