TAUNTON TOWN Model Railway Club
You are never too young (or too old) to enjoy model railways
Club Plans for 2017
2016 has been a mixed year for the club some very good news and some very sad. We have been very pleased to receive the donation of the insulation for the club room, and saddened by the loss of members due to failing health but we have a plan for 2017 that will be full of interest and fun. Yes new members will be welcome, here is the outline plan for 2017.
Plan for 2017. THE LAYOUT.
1. Due to the donation of the insulation we are fitting this during this month, completed by end of March 17.
2. add point motors to all points under the new branch line to be called Henford Cross. underway
2a. Form the Branch line level 2. planned started underway
3 Form the Hill scape over the middle of Pen Hill. planned, started underway
4 Plaster the ground cover and add colour and textures. Yeovil east area in hand
5 Restore and resite all existing buildings and reinstall back scenes. Yeovil area in hand underway
6 Build new buildings for Pen Hill and Henford Cross areas to be planned
7 Reinstall the computer command system. 2 screens to be installed
PLAN for the building
build the lobby
install heating unit
install new ring main and lighting units
install the new loo.
planned and under way
planned and approved
planned and under way
planned and under way
Plan for the club
Raise the membership
Still working on this
We hope that all will take part in most of the planned work, as we did year before last, this will get back to teaching and sharing the activities. We do encourage the membership to enjoy this wonderful hobby with us.
ALL in ALL having a fun time, come and joins us.