TAUNTON TOWN Model Railway Club
You are never too young (or too old) to enjoy model railways
NEWS FLASH 13.02.17.
YES at last, a donation of timber and insulation will be delivered tomorrow about mid day (22.11.16). A forklift will be on hand to unload.
The first wall to be fitted will be the long high wall behind Yeovil East Station
then the front wall and onto the kitchen wall and the library wall, then up to the ceiling. So the club will be a bit untidy until it's all done.
As this is an ACTION REPORT page, photos will be posted after each work session, so come and help but please do not say 'this place is a mess' ok.
First photos will be posted here Tuesday 22.11.16.
We do thank the donor very much for providing the materials.
This project will take some time. Almost every thing will have to be moved and then be put back but the kitchen units will be fixed this time and the sink will be fitted. I hope we will be warm and back to tidy by the end of January 2017.
The delivery was due at midday, heavy rain upto 5 minutes before the lorry turned up. The rain stopped and on time he arrived, the rain held off until the truck left and the sheet was over the load .

Midday here on time.

The timber is unloaded to the container then the insulation was stacked ready for installing. Bradfords Driver was most helpful.
THE WORK. all hands and feet on the track.

The first panel is in and fixed, the photo is in Pat's camera to be downloaded. We will add more shots as progress is made, so keep watching this page.
last WEDNESDAY work team all hard at it, so they were all treated to cream cake with tea.

Wednesday night members do their bit with the fitting of the first board on wall number 2
We will be adding to the photo report so keep looking PLEASE.

This shot shows the corner of the door wall to the low wall.
Below 1 shot shows the corner above the door
Below 2 looking at the high wall as Pat recorded our work.

as our work goes on we will post more photos here.
From here we must move the kitchen units before we can install any more sheets so the hard work, starts here.

WEDNESDAY 4th Jan during the daytime meeting 4 lining boards were cut to size. The boards are 9ft x 6ft plus and very heavy, it takes 3 men to lift one at a time. After cutting they were taken into the clubroom ready for the night team who had to remove the door to get the boards past the layout and in to fit along the back wall. Moving the kitchen units around, the 3rd board was installed so the new loo has 2 completed walls. The next job will be putting up the stud for wall 3 of the loo. When this wall is lined we can move the books and resite the shelves and put the books back on to the shelves ( come back little person PLEASE !) .

Progress at 11th of January

Yesterday the 11th of January we had visitors to lend a hand or two. After the group had cut the sheet to size it was taken into the club room and was fitted.
The Timber was secondhand from a building site at no cost save we had to collect from the site and transport it back to the club. This timber came with an added extra of unwanted screws which in the above photo you can see how we clean up the timber before use.

The partition for the new loo has been installed and the joists for the ceiling are fitted in place, this was all done last Wednesday. Thanks to all that helped. Sunday's work saw the book shelves taken down along with the 3 lining boards on the back wall and the installation of 2 more sheets of insulation, so it is true, I have just gone round the last bend.

This area will be the seating zone.
posted updated 21.01.17.
We will take the second delivery of insulation boards, Monday 23rd. at midday this will be the boards for the ceiling so onwards and upwards.
More Good News we have been promised another donation, this will pay for the cost of the boiler installation and conversion, also will help towards the new power supply and the loo.
25.01.17 Update 07.00.
Today I hope we can install the flooring along the back wall and tonight to fix the last cupboard unit ready to receive the sink top.

28.01.17 update.
The kitchen unit did not get fitted but the shelves did,
the books will be put back very soon. I hope to finish the floor this Sunday and then we can get back to the insulating boards only 30 boards to go and 20 go into the roof, I shall be very happy when it's all done and can run the trains again, this job has proved that I am no longer 21. LOL.

29.01.17. update.
To wet to work outside so put the books on the shelves.

01.02.17. update 1
Start of day

01.02.17. update 2
by 2pm we had added 2 more panels out of 5 we had bought into the clubroom. This area is very hard to work in as every board has to be passed over the layout and then down into place.
01.02.17. update 3 Night meeting
We had planned to fit the sink base unit but but but all the units that we fitted last week were in the wrong place so we had to start again and move all the units 3 inches from the loo wall, what a pain, by 9pm all units were in the right place and fixed next week we hope to fix the work tops.
If you are thinking why is he only fitting full boards, well the full boards go in first then we cut sheets to fit to save waste.

it's too cold to hang about we have come home
Sunday,s report.
We started at 10am temp was a full 33* F so the first job tidy up and place the work top's, see below. Second, add more sheets into place as you can see ----------<<<--- along side. Time midday temp. had reached 34 we were beginning to freeze a bit. By 1 pm we were frozen to the core and I called it a day.
We hope to do some more Monday or Tuesday if it warms up a bit say 36* F LOL any way we will post a new report after the next session.

From the frozen clubroom. see below.

8th Feb report. AM.
Today has been wonderful with members all helping and lots of work being done. 4 Sheets were fixed and 7 bought in ready.
As you can see, all enjoying the Tea and home made cakes provided by ANN, thanks to every one for your help.

15th. Feb.report PM.
There are only 2 more sheets to fit from the scaffold then the ceiling, we hope that this work will only take two or three days to complete and a few days to remove the scaffold.
The end of this project is in sight.
This was the last large board to be installed

8.30 start.

10 am

11 am



1.30 pm



All done
Ready to go to work on
Tuesday. 10 am.

Wednesday afternoon about about 3.45 the panel before last is fitted.

Almost 4pm the last panel is fitted into place with a welcome shout of joy.
We have just the main truss to cover and the joints to tape then the scaffold can be removed.
I wish to thank the kind and generous donors for their help with this project and my good friends and members that have given their time to help me achieve the project goal. The last two days everyone has given time and a lot of hard work to make the job fun but very hard work, please accept my heartfelt thanks to you all.

Three months of hard labour for this old one, but with lots of help from club members and friends the end is in sight. Just the lower taping left to do.
This will be the final report for this project, so I must thank our Donors for their help that has made the project possible, and the club members and friends who have given their time and labour, TO ALL OF YOU many thanks.
50 sheets, 6 rolls of tape, screws by the dozen and now a short rest for the old one.
For readers that enjoy reports look out, the next one is the lobby starting soon, and thank you for reading this report. 28 Feb 2017